Little Eden Strut 9/11/01 – 11/11/17
A legend in his own mind, and in the real world. And most especially in my heart. I bid thee farewell as you continue your legendary journey into the afterlife .......
12.5" Tri Broken Coat, DOB: 9/11/01, PLL/SCA/LOA/DM DNA Normal
What can I say about Strut? In my wildest dreams, I could not possibly have hoped for more. His stunning good looks, his wonderful temperament and always cheerful attitude, and most especially his amazing ability to consistently pass these traits on to his offspring have earned him a place Jack Russell history, and in my heart. He is truly exceptional in every way - as an individual, as a sire, and as my best four legged friend. Gone, but never forgotten.
To quote my dear friend Jen Pierce "What he has left behind is bigger than all of us."
To quote my dear friend Jen Pierce "What he has left behind is bigger than all of us."